Project Cairo, Egypt

Mall of Egypt

A mall of pharaonic immensity

Sector: Buildings

BESIX and Orascom Construction built a grand shopping complex in West Caïro which was named the "Mall of Egypt". The project included a shopping mall of 200,000m². In the complex, visitors can enjoy 400 shops and restaurants, a cinema with 21 movie theatres and an indoor skihall. There's also room for a relaxing family day, on the immense central plaza or in one of the two family leisure parks.

10,000 person workforce

BESIX joined forces with OCI to build the complex, along with car parks (6,700 places), access roads, and the technical buildings needed for cooling and distributing electricity across this very special project. In the final stretch, more than 10,000 workers and subcontractors joined forces with the teams of the future retail outlets to ensure a top-quality welcome for the first visitors.

Recycling on site

Highlights of the building work included casting the slabs of the huge floor, the huge slab roof that covers the mall, and the 'rocks' and columns of the indoor ski slope. With the help of specialist Egyptian companies, BESIX was able to recycle 75% of the waste of all trades on the construction site, an effort that contributed to the LEED Gold environmental certification awarded to the complex.

Project details

Project name

Mall of Egypt

Area(s) of expertise


Contract type



Cairo, Egypt




Majid Al Futtaim Group

Building Period

2011 - 2017


Tarek Beshir

Total value

€ 400 million

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